
Showing posts from August, 2021

Does lack of sleep cause cancer?

Interruption in the “biological clock,” which controls and other functions in the body may raise the increase of cancers of the breast, colon, ovarian cancers in women. Too much stress can lead to sleepless nights and which can suppress your immune system. Heavy exposure to synthetic lights during night shifts may decrease the level of melatonin which helps in the growth of levels of cancer. The relaxation of body can be taken place during night time. Hence, there are many changes to increase the spread of cancer in body during night. Every woman need to maintain proper sleep accordingly to the sleep time patterns. Women with the age of 18-60 years must take more than 8 hours sleep and above 60years must have their 7hours of sleep daily as the scheduled pattern. Lack of sleep in women gives changes to the increase of cancer as the cancers cells grow rapidly during night time. Citrus fruits, Fatty fish, Berries, Fermented foods, Allium vegetables Peaches, apples, and pears Crucifero...